Course curriculum

  • 1

    Flux S - Battery Pack, Cartridges, Techniques and more.

    • Welcome to the class.

    • Taking your Flux S out of the box.

    • Flux S Manual - Adjusting your grip, using the battery pack, warranty info and more.

    • Wrapping your Flux S

    • Power Supply and continuous feed.

    • Dual adapter.

    • How cartridges are labeled.

    • Tattoo needle diameters.

    • Needle configurations.

    • Needle tapers and points.

    • Regular cartridges vs acupuncture cartridges.

    • Liners vs. shaders.

    • Cartridges - Full membrane vs partial membrane.

    • Adjusting your needle length.

    • The design of 4 flats and 5 slope cartridges.

    • Demonstration of how to use the 4 flat.

    • Hand speed and voltage.